As you surely know, Bioware is working on a new Dragon Age. Although the details of this delivery are still a mystery, a few moments ago, as part of the ads that were held on Dragon Age day, developers shared the first video look at the next installment in the series. At the beginning of the year the existence of a new dragon age game was revealed. Then, in February, his name was confirmed, and the last piece of information that was released came in October, when it was announced that Dread wolf had entered his Alpha Development phase. Now, today, the key kinematics of this title has been shared.
Just as they could see, the advance of Dragon Age: DREADFUL is quite interesting, and gives us a small idea of the type of game that awaits us. However, it is important to mention that we still have no more information about this delivery, and considering that not long ago they entered the Alpha phase, then we will have to wait even more before this title reaches our hands. In related issues, here you can see the new dragon age posters: Absolute. Editor's note: Despite just being a kinematics, this advance of Dragon Age: DREADFUL paints us a positive image for the future of the series. Similarly, after the failure of Mass Effect Andromeda and Anthem, this project could well remedy the damaged public image of the study.
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