Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot: Bardock's DLC Gameplay Trailer

Dragon Ball Z: Apart is an action-RPG video game that's been released for PS4, Xbox One and PC. It follows the story of Burdock, Roku's father, as he fights to stop the alien overlord Frieze from taking over his people and destroying planet Veg eta.

Dragon Ball Z: Apart is not just anticipating the next-gen-upgrade. Fans are likewise thrilled to Season Pass 2 with new story arcs.

The first story arc will be released on January 13, 2023, with Burdock: Alone Against Fate.


Banzai NAMC Home entertainment has now launched new game scenes in the Battle for World Veg eta trailer. The next gene upgrade will be readily available from January 12, 2023. Season Pass 2 with the Burdock DLC follows only a day in the future January 13th.
