Marvel Snap: 9 tips & tricks for the perfect start

Marvel Snap is the latest hit among the collection card games. In the Trading Card Game (TCG) you collect cards from well-known Marvel figures, put together a strong deck of superheroes (or super villains) and enter other players online. With our tips you secure your first successes. In this guide you can find out:

  • What a balanced deck looks like
  • How you use card and location effects for your advantage
  • Why the deployment mandate is important

You can't get enough of collective card games? In the linked guide we tell you strong decks for Magic: The Gathering Arena.

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internalized the basics in Marvel Snap

The Trading Card Game Marvel Snap follows the premise Easy to Learn, Hard to Master. The basics are simple: With the heroes or villains from your deck, you have to win so-called locations within six trains. It is sufficient if you choose two of the three locations for you. Whether you win a location will decide the overall strength of all your maps at the respective location. Sounds simple, right?

However, special effects of your maps and the different locations bring complexity and difficult to calculate elements. And the required energy for playing the maps and the compilation of your decks also influence the outcome of a match.

Another special feature of Marvel Snap: In contrast to most other collecting card games, cards are not destroyed by stronger maps of the opponent (except special skills of some cards).

pay attention to a balanced deck

Your deck in Marvel Snap must contain exactly 12 cards. Therefore, the choice of your characters should be carefully considered. Heroes and villains with high strength are tempting, but require a lot of energy that you do not have in the first features of the game.

Important note: Energy that you do not use during a train will not be transferred to the next train, but decay. So if you only have 4, 5-series or 6-energy cards at the beginning of the game, you may well happen that you cannot play cards on the first trains.

Therefore, make sure that you do not stuff your deck with too many cards with high energy. The majority of your decks should consist of 1, 2-series or 3-energy cards. This increases the likelihood that you have cards in the first trains that you can also play. My current deck consists, for example, of two 1, four 2, three and each of a 4, 5 and 6 card.


tips on card and location effects

As already mentioned, it is the special effects of the maps and locations that give Marvel Snap complexity. Cards with high strength values such as Hulk (12 strength) are impressive, but mostly it is the card and location effects that bring the decision into play.

Ant-Man, for example, initially makes a weak impression. For an energy point, the card brings a strength of 1 to the field. However, if there are three more cards at the same location, the card receives three other strength points through its special effect.

Uncover VS. Continuous effects

The effects in Marvel Snap are divided into two categories: uncover and continuously. While uncovering effects are only activated once when uncovering the cards, continuous effects apply to the entire season after uncovering.

Note: There are also effects at the locations that are either only activated once or are active over the entire season.

Just like the card effects, you should use the location effects for your advantage. At the Atlantis location, for example, you can get five additional strength points if you only play one card. So it is tactical to play only one card with a high strength instead of several with little strength. If you combine the location effect with a suitable special effect of a card, then the victory on Atlantis is almost impossible for you.

For his strength of 5, Enamor, for example, receives five additional strength when he is the only card at a location. In combination with the location effect of Atlantis, Enamor comes up with a strength of 15. For a card with four energy costs, this is a house number.

Tip: On some days, some locations appear more often than others. Check out the Marvel Snap's newsflash briefly before starting your first game and if necessary adjusts your deck to the location.

Note the order of your played cards

If you bring several cards to the field in Marvel Snap at the same time, it often does not matter in which order you do. In some cases, however, it can make a big difference which cards you play first. The following applies: the cards are uncovered in the order in which they were stored. In the wrong order, some card effects may not be taken into account. Here is a simple example with the cards Shocker and Angela at the Ruined location (no location effects):

  • Shocker: 2 energy, 3 strength, no special effects
  • Angela: 2 energy, 1 strength, continuous effect: If you play a card here, +2 strength.

Scenario 1: order-shocker ahead of Angela

Shockers are uncovered and you get three strength. Then Angela is uncovered, you get a strength. Angela's continuous effect is activated, but not triggered. In this train you get a total of four strength.

Scenario 2: Order-Angela in front of shockers

Angela is uncovered, you get a strength and the ongoing effect is activated. After that, shockers are uncovered, you get three strength. This time, however, Angela's special effect is triggered, and she receives two additional strength. So you get a total of six strength.

Who reveals their cards first?

In addition to the deployment mandate of your own cards, you should have a look at whether you or your opponent first uncover the playing cards. Some card effects are not triggered if you open your cards in front of or according to your opponent.

Another example with the Electra card. Electra has the uncovering ability to destroy a random opposing 1 cost card at the same location. We assume that you are on the first train. Your opponent plays any 1-cost card, and you play Electra at the same location.

Scenario 1: You reveal Electra first

Electra is uncovered, and its special effect is activated. However, he does not find a goal because it is not clear whether the opponent's hidden map is a 1-cost card. The game here ignores the fact that the first train can only be a 1-cost card. The hidden state protects the opposing map. After all, the opponent reveals his card and the train ends.

Scenario 2: The opponent reveals his card first

Your opponent reveals his card and if necessary, card and/or location effects will be activated. Since you are on the first train, it is of course a 1-cost card. Now your electrical reveals and your uncovering and ability is activated. Since your opponent has a 1-cost card at the location, it will be destroyed.

Tip: If you have to uncover your cards first, you can see the golden frame around the player name. The order when uncovered changes after each train.

focus on two locations

As already mentioned, you have to choose two out of three locations in Marvel Snap. It's best not to try to win all three locations. If you distribute your cards evenly to all locations, the opponent can still surprise you with strong cards in later moves, and you lose the match in the last features.

Instead, concentrate on winning at least one location and fighting for victory in a second one with your opponent. If your opponent has already concentrated a lot of strength at one location, it may no longer be worth fighting. Then prefer to secure another location with more strength or try to fight for an advantage at a balanced location.

uses the snap for bluffs

You get two cosmic cubes for a win in Marvel Snap. If you collect ten of them, she rises a level in the rank. At every tenth place you will receive a small reward such as credits, avatars or card variants. Since leveling up with only two cosmic cubes per victory takes a long time, there is a mechanics in Marvel Snap with which you can accelerate this process.

With Thanos famous Snap you can double the number of cubes. The SNAP can be used by both players per match at any time. If both players have used the SNAP in the last train at the latest, the number increases to eight cubes, which the winner dusted off, and the loser has to pull out. Since there are a lot of cubes at Snaps, this mechanics is suitable for putting pressure on the opponent.

If you are sure of your victory, you should definitely use the SNAP to maximize your profit. But even if it doesn't look so good for you in the final trains, you can use the snap as a bluff. If the opponent has already sized at the beginning of the match, and you are on the last train of a narrow match, you can bluff with your snap.

The SNAP could signal the opponent that you have a good card on hand with which you choose the match for yourself. If the bluff goes through, you may force the opponent to the task and grab victory. However, if the opponent recognizes your bluff, you have to bite the sour apple and make eight cosmic cubes loose.

a withdrawal is not a shame

In your struggle through Marvel Snap's ranking system, you will often pull the shorter and collect a defeat. However, you can minimize the loss of your cosmic cubes if you withdraw from the match. This halves the loss of your cubes. So if it looks really dark for you in a match, press retreat.

experimented with different decks

Finally, a tip that actually applies to every trading card game: does not always play with the same deck, but experiment with new cards or build completely new decks. In Marvel Snap, there are an enormous number of card effects that, in combination with the location effects, enable almost endlessly many exciting combinations.

More guides on Game:

  • Magic Arena: The best decks 2022

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