Facilitated : Sebastian Kehl gives Update to Julian Brandt

Brandt had had to be worn after a violent collision in the top game on Saturday night from the square. Shortly thereafter, the BVB gave the first all-clear. An update of Sebastian Keel, Head of Licensing Player Department, followed on Sunday afternoon: He suffered a concussion, but it is all right, and it's clear better after a night in the hospital. They previously bear strong Brandt (top game-Note 1.5) was mad with Day Upamecano in the 65th minute. The pictures visibly met the drums standing players. But Keel's words let hope: We are all very relieved, lucky. For the athletic meaningless Champions League game on Tuesday (21 clocks, live! At top game) against Besides Brandt is definitely not available. As it continues with him, stress tests will show in training.
