To mild, too uncreative

For good rewards in Fut, FIFA players make a lot. How much showed the past weekend, as numerous console chicks prefer to handle the No-Loss Glitch, as their lots to complete properly.

EA SPORTS responded on October 20th and suspended over 30,000 players who had used the error in FIFA 22 several times, for seven days. Not bad EA - but not good either. Because this penalty is far from no matter.

Prescribed forced leave

The developer emphasized in a Tweet that the locked players remains denied the pending Weekend League, but that must be a bad joke: a week without FIFA and weekend stress - many a player would call that rather than vacation or break because as a punishment.

Seven days are not a long time. The one or the other Glitch Abuser may not be attracted to the spell if the week is already planned otherwise. A 1000-day spell would be exaggerated - the had feared many players after a display error of EA - but a month would be more appropriate.

It should be remembered that the persons seduced not only have even improperly contributed to the rest of the community and have an unfair financial benefit in the form of Weekend League rewards. Through the many top placards, numerous team-of-the-week cards flooded the transfer market and pressed prices - to the disadvantage of all those who had acquired this fair.

Eas motifs for the mild punishment seem to be obvious: The longer the spell fails, the higher the likelihood that these players will expand from FIFA. While it would be questioned on how much a community is full of glitch abuser, but the potential economic disadvantage of EA can be understood. If there is only one way to punish even players without distributing them.

too short intended

At the point shows how uncreative EAS solution is. A punishment does not have to limit itself to the time of the ban, a developer also has other possibilities. How about a transfer market lock for one or more months. As a result, EA SPORTS would at the same time prevent all the shocked cards from getting into circulation too quickly.

You could also dramatically reduce the coin multiplier to restrict participation in the competition modes or collect other rewards. These variants would not stop the Glitch Abuser from FIFA games, but they probably get much more annoying than just a seven-day spell.

In addition, it would be possible for the developer to squirm penalties. The more frequent a glitch was used, the higher sanctions fail. What exactly is reasonable, it would be discussed. Of course, however, EA Sports would have to do more - especially with a view to the future.

A risky decision

The developer sends a signal with the mild penalty: exploit glitches is not cool, but not too bad either. Accordingly, the next discovered game error could give more than 30,000 people who try to exploit this. The rewards are too tempting in the Weekend League. EA SPORTS can hardly be wondering, because with their decision, those responsible have shown that they see the No-Loss Glitch rather as a Kavalier Delikt.


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