Pokémon Unite looks new aspects with his latest trailer

Pokémon Unite arrives to mobile devices And now vice no longer has limits, but to bring new things besides having a new platform to take advantage of the title. We also have the right to a new trailer that comes precisely to present us with the news.

News from the mobile version of Pokémon Unite

We discovered new costumes for some fighters such as Garchomp, Gengar Charizard. Of course, this is just one of the elements highlighted in this trailer since we also discovered that a team system will also come or rather a squadron that can accommodate up to 30 members. We do not know much about the guilds, but there will be at least a chat to be able to communicate with the other members. As for the new Pokémon, We will tell directly with the incorporation of Sylveon and Mamoswine, Raising the number of fighters at 25.

The game, obviously, will be game CROSSED AND SABLE CROSSED Between the Nintendo Switch version and the mobile version, and you will have to use your Trainers Club account or your Nintendo account to save your data and Transfer them.
