Where to find cars in Fortnite

FortNite Players woke up today hoping to lead cars Fortnite, but we were all in a huge surprise. Instead of driving cars, all the cars of the game have been removed.

The streets are empty, without a single car to find. So, the quick response for the moment is that you can not find any car in the game. We will update this guide as cars will be added to the game and we will learn more about what's going on. For now, here's all we know so far.

What happened to cars?

According to Epic Games, cars were recalled by No Sweatshirt Insurance because they are currently investigating car coverage.

What does it mean?

This means that all cars are left and you can not drive cars Fortnite now. Even places like Risky Reels, Retail Row and Lazy Lake are completely devoid of cars.

You can always find reboot vans, buses, trucks and motorhomes, but there is no car to find.

Why did EPIC do this?

We imagine it was a good excuse to disband the roads. If the players will soon drive cars around the game, EPIC may have thought better of giving us beautiful clear routes on which to drive.

When will cars driving be added to the game?

For the moment, we simply do not know it, even if we suspect that it will be before the new weekly challenges arrived on Thursday 23 August, because they would have activities related to the car.


Today we will explore the map with the rest of the community to see what is different in this update and to see if we can discover information about cars. Make sure to come back, because when cars will be added, this will be updated with information anywhere where to find them, and how to drive them.

In the meantime, you can view unofficial update notes for 13:30 and all new cosmetic products included in the update.
