Observers: System Redux Next-Gene Revelation Shortly Available - Bloober team - Video Peeling News, Instructions, Exemplary Procedures, Reviews and Cultu

The horror title stands for a next generation remaster.

In January, the Bloober team released a mysterious and cryptic teaser, which turned to a new announcement in connection with its psychological cyberpunk horror game 2017 BeoBachter. Now they have withdrawn the curtain for this announcement - at least to a certain extent.

Bloobe team unveiled _ observer: System Redux, _ A remaster of the game on the way to next generation systems. No further details are given for this purpose. For example, which enhancements will make this version on the base game or when we can expect that it is released, but a complete revelation of it is not far away. An image of the game on his official Facebook page mentioned a complete revelation on April 16, in just one week, and although this has been updated to replace the date by a simple "Stay Danish", we have the original image for you Below (Via Gematsu).

Neverwinter: Jewel of the North Features Trailer

BeoBachter is currently available for PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch. Stay up to date and we keep you on new information on the current _ watcher: System Redux_ This comes in the way.

Tags: Bloech Team, Observers, Observers: SystemRedux, PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X.
