Wacky Wizards KSI ingredient for the 156 potion is a secret ingredient you need to make the hidden potion. The problem is that this ingredient is very difficult to find if you do not know where to look. It is definitely not just the weather; You will have to fly in areas where you would never think. That is why we have developed this guide, in which we will show you how to get the KSI ingredient and make the potion 156.
KSI ingredient from Wacky Wizards - Potion 156
How to get the KSI ingredient in Wacky Wizards
To get the Wacky Wizards KSI ingredient in Wacky Wizards and Potio 156, the first order of the day is to create any type of flying potion. As is the case of the Kaden ingredient, any potion will work well. We went with the Flybux potion (Robux + Bird), but you can also use the siren potion (Fish + Fairy), the Broom Potion, or anything else that is easier for you. Drink the flying potion and go to the volcano. Not only do you need to get to the volcano, but fly behind him. Near the top, you will find a shelf with KSI tombstone. In front is what seems to be a strand of hair. That is the KSI ingredient, so check it up and return to your cauldron.
Now you can create the 156 potion, which actually makes your character in KSI. The hair is the only thing you need to prepare the infusion, so make sure your cauldron is empty. Once you are, place the Wacky Wizards KSI ingredient and make the potion 156 as you would with any other. Bébelo to become an avatar of the famous YouTuber. If you have trouble finding the ingredient or you can not find out how to make the potion, do not hesitate to see our video below. There you will find all the visual assistance you need.
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