Acid Nerves Action-Adventure Death's Door celebrated its debut a few days ago and was able to inspire more than 100,000 players in less than a week. Even with the video game press, the title influenced by old Zelda titles could convince and received predominantly good ratings.
How this overwhelming success feels for the two-man development team behind Death's Door, David describes Fenn in the interview with 9News as follows:
"It could not have done better. Our boldest expectations were met, so to speak. "
According to Fenn's colleagues Mark Foster, an Xbox exclusivity was planned from the beginning and the great success despite lack of Xbox Game passport affiliation quite a surprise:
"It was always Xbox-exclusive, that was from the beginning of the plan. It seems like people are actually ready to buy 2021 a game, which is a nice surprise. "
In addition, Acid Nerve assumed to be aware of the demand for porting Death's Door for the Nintendo Switch. Currently, however, there would be no plans in this direction, even if the Nintendo console is always an interesting platform for developers.
Death's Door is currently available for Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One and PC.
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